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Thief try to steal in church and leave apology letter

Here's what happened in Nyandarua

15-07-2019 by Freddie del Curatolo

There are thefts and robberies that end badly, but that attempted Sunday night in the Evangelical Pentecostal Church of Nyandarua County, in Kenya's Rift Valley, has a curious side at least.
When Reverend Peter Wainyoke arrived at the church the following morning, he found a hole in the metal fence that surrounds the property and the entrance door that had been smashed in.
He looked around and, among the few things in the building, among the cross, benches and some other objects, he noticed the gift box of the forced faithful. Inside there was a note written in beautiful calligraphy.
"I had come to get the money from the box, a believing friend who attends the church told me that there were some, but unfortunately I didn't find any. I'm really sorry that I caused damage to the entrance. God forgive me, pray for me. 
The sheet is signed: "The person who damaged the church".
When the police arrived, the Reverend confirmed that in reality there was no shilling inside the box, the thief had had a wrong "starboard".
"He thought there was money in the box - he told the Daily Nation newspaper - but it wasn't so and you must be sorry for what he did. We've already forgiven him and I'll wait for him in church in anonymous form to confess".
For their part, the investigators have already launched the research of the writer thief, accused of attempted burglary and damage to religious buildings. 
The episode happened a few months after two serial thieves specializing in church thefts and robberies were lynched in the area, after being caught in the act.

TAGS: chiesa kenyaladro kenyasoldi kenyacronaca kenyanews kenya

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