

Letter from Kenya to the African Santa Claus

From the poorest slums a wish for human dignity, peace and freedom

24-12-2023 by Freddie del Curatolo

Dear African Santa, an 11-year-old boy named Kimani in a mud and tin shack in Kenya told me that you exist.
That there is not only your Cold World colleague, with his ivory cheeks flushed with cold and schnapps, long white beard, turbo sleigh, and horned reindeer.
There is also a "mzee" with dreadlocked hair who comes from Kilimanjaro (which is why he is dressed like the other Santa Claus) and rides a mkokoteni.

Yes, those very carts with which they usually transport coal, wood or potatoes in the cities.
Two Amboseli antelopes are pulling it.
So Kimani told me.
In the mkokoteni can only fit so many presents, and it is not rigged like the Nordic sleigh, which can fly and hurry back to base for supplies.
In fact for a long time African children, they don't get much of a present under the tree. On the other hand, however, they get lots of trees.
Kimani and I are not expecting any special surprises this year either, because the balls here more than decorate the trees, they tell us about them.
So we thought we would write a letter to you to ask if it is possible to have gifts that cannot be seen with the naked eye and do not weigh, do not take up space and cannot be eaten, but would improve the lives of so many people in Kenya.
We would very much like you and your employers, the ones who build the malls, the stores, the cribs, the lights, who post pictures of games and gifts and sell them to us, not to give anything away to those who already have far too many things.

We would like that in Kenya those who are so rich, should not get richer and richer and start spending some of the money they have to pay the doctors who treat people in public hospitals, the teachers who in their own way try to raise the educational level of children.
Let them remain millionaires, even if their money did not come from heaven, but clean up the streets of the garbage, which brings rats, crows and lots of diseases, dig sewers and maybe, little by little, get us out of these mud and sheet metal shacks by planning a few less na-Babbi Christmas malls, and some social housing in return.
Finally, African Santa, if you can, instead of bringing something to the homes of those who think they are good, see if it is possible to take away from everyone the greatest evil that oppresses our country: corruption, which discourages us even more than misery.
We have never been afraid of poverty, we have always been used to living with it, because in return we have always had freedom, which is worth more than any currency.
And, mind you, if you plan to pass through these parts, a plate of steaming polenta with tomato and sukuma wiki is always there for you!

TAGS: natalelettera

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by Freddie del Curatolo

Dear African Santa Claus, an eleven year old boy named Kaingu, in the slum of Malindi, told me that you exist.
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