30-11-2024 by redazione
In the 1990s, the first edition of ‘Tales of Grandpa Kazungu’ sold thousands of copies by word of mouth...
28-08-2024 by Freddie del Curatolo
From Elena Ferrante's celebrated ‘My brilliant friend’, which from Italy has conquered readers halfway around...
22-10-2023 by Freddie del Curatolo
Those who love Kenya, its nature and savannah conservation, as well as the pleasure of...
23-07-2023 by Leni Frau
At a time when for many people Africa is far away and reading should be a fundamental company...
09-07-2023 by Freddie del Curatolo
In a war there are never winners or losers, if anything there are exploiters and victims, and in the end...
17-11-2021 by Freddie del Curatolo
Could it have been incurable optimism in the face of Covid-19 in Kenya that averted the catastrophic predictions...
30-06-2021 by redazione
Since 2008 we have been collecting, after reading and reviewing them, the books on...
19-06-2021 by Freddie del Curatolo
A straightforward life, often taken in a sour mood, cheerful and little inclined to conformism and homologation, but...
05-05-2021 by Freddie del Curatolo
Discovering Africa as a young woman for love, living its dreams and contradictions with the enthusiasm of...
17-03-2020 by Freddie del Curatolo
On 21 May 2019 he prematurely left us one of the greatest Kenyan writers and one of the most lucid, passionate...
11-05-2019 by Freddie del Curatolo
There are interesting books and necessary books. "Field 360 Ndarugu" by Aldo Manos belongs to...
07-02-2019 by Leni Frau
Two screenwriters and a cartoonist tell the extreme life in a Nairobi slum.
15-01-2019 by Freddie del Curatolo
Ngugi Wa Thiong'o is surely the greatest Kenyan writer of all time.
He has been included several times in the five nominations for the Nobel Prize for Literature and...
03-11-2018 by Leni Frau
"It is a cross-section of Italianness, of suggestive human experiences in many fields, of examples of authentic exchange and mutual enrichment between our compatriots and Kenyan friends"
24-06-2017 by Freddie del Curatolo
The feminine Malindi of Sara Cardelli hits and paints a very current reality and disengaged from the usual common places of sexual tourism to the tropics or the exotic adventure.
02-02-2017 by Freddie del Curatolo
The rhythm and melody of the trip and it is impossible to look the other way, when it is not only professional ethics to be called in helping others.
There is so much love, so much poetry and a lot of Africa, "Anatomy of the trip," atypical "logbook" of the Italian doctor Crescenzo D'Onofrio, including frescoes by Nature, introspective, lyrical evocations and the harsh reality of poverty, non-existent health and wars.
18-11-2016 by Freddie del Curatolo
There are travel diaries that read like atlases, boring as other movies of other people's holidays. There are novels in stages disguised as intergalactic manuals for hitchhikers, but which are actually autobiographies beautiful, good and useful barely family.
With Africa, however, you can hardly cheat and why write and write about himself wandering through this universe remain credible to themselves and to others is a difficult task.
15-08-2014 by redazione
Karen Dinesen Blixen lived in Kenya from 1914 to 1931.
She came there from the icy Denmark with her husband, baron Von Blixen, to buy a plot on the hills Ngong, near Nairobi, and build then a farm.
Rather being a farmer, the baron was actually more interested in the big game hunting and the young masai women.
It was his fault that Karen was infected by syphilis and had to come back to Denmark to follow treatments.
At that moment, she realized she was a writer and learned what is mal d'Afrique.
15-06-2014 by redazione
First of all, we have to mention that Ryszard Kapuscinski is the greatest journalist who ever wrote about Africa and the one who best understood its civilization, nature and philosophy. And it's curious that, being polish, the farthest we can imagine from the black africans, he's the one who, more than other reporters, has travelled around the african continent, describing it like only a few others could do.
"the shadow of the sun" talks about this, the so-called «africanization» process, when Africa started being independent after the colonialism, during the first Sixties.
Kapuscinski's eye, war correspondent but able to dwell upon people's soul, magnificence and misery, loneliness and hunger in the villages and the great crowd of the markets, tells the story of an Africa made proud by the freedom found again but with the awareness of depending forever on the Western World.
15-03-2014 by Leni Frau
Kuki Gallmann had "a story to tell".
This novel is his story.
15-11-2013 by redazione
John Le Carré, well-known and appreciated writer of "spy stories" with social implications, has set his novel "The Tenacious Gardener" in Kenya, between the banks of Turkana and the slums of Nairobi.
15-07-2013 by redazione
"Born Free" is the first novel, autobiographical, which tells the story of a friendship between humans and wild and ferocious animals of the Savannah, which no one had previously imagined could prove so profound.
15-05-2013 by redazione
"My struggle to save Africa's natural treasures".
This is the eloquent subtitle of an autobiography written with four hands with the journalist Virginia Morell.
15-01-2010 by redazione
A good read, about past times and those who dream of reviving them, until reaching the origin of those ancient tales narrated here. It's the Kenya of «Lord of the prairie», the latest book by the spanish writer Javier Yanes.
"My grandfather was used to tell me stories about Africa..." this is how the novel begins and starts catching the reader with the story of the young Curro Mencia from Madrid who, upon his scottish grandfather's death who had spent many years in Eastern Africa during the colonialism, remembers all the stories of an Africa which, maybe, no longer exists. So, Curro decides to go along this Africa, first evoking those tales and then in the reality.
A trip to Kenya which becomes a trip back to his roots.