07-09-2024 by redazione
"I would like to invite a Kenyan citizen to Italy, how do I do it?"
Many times...
27-05-2024 by redazione
Kenya's new immigration fees have officially been implemented for the first non-resident foreigners in...
22-04-2024 by redazione
The tourist season has recently ended, but the longing for Kenya remains and, indeed, is amplified by...
01-03-2024 by Freddie del Curatolo
From March to April, as every year, dozens of Italians who spend the European winter in warm and cosy...
22-02-2024 by redazione
As of 1 January 2024, the website for electronic travel authorisation to enter Kenya,, is...
08-01-2024 by redazione
It's official: Kenya no longer requires an entry visa online, which is no longer possible to do, and has...
06-01-2024 by redazione
In a communiqué issued by the National Civil Aviation Authority (KCAA), the categories exempt...
03-01-2024 by redazione
As we have reported extensively, it is about to come into effect, in the next few days in...
22-12-2023 by redazione
The website for electronic travel authorization to enter Kenya, ETA Kenya, which will replace the...
14-12-2023 by Freddie del Curatolo
The announcement two days ago by Kenya's President William Ruto, regarding the...
06-12-2023 by redazione
The Kenyan government has confirmed that it is its intention to apply a series of increases to all...
02-10-2023 by redazione
Entering Kenya as a tourist. It takes some patience, but it is not difficult, just a child of telematic times to which even...
28-08-2023 by redazione
Here is the information needed to pay for admission to the parks through August...
11-08-2023 by redazione
After the inconvenience of the blocking of online visas to enter and stay in Kenya, due as we had announced...
07-07-2023 by redazione
There have been an increasing number of reports for the past few months of travelers who are...
26-05-2023 by redazione
Good news for Kenyan citizens who need to make or renew their passport and urgently...
20-03-2023 by redazione
As many of you will have come to appreciate over the years (and we will soon be 15...) is...
12-11-2022 by redazione
With November begins the migration period, among which the migration of Italian tourists to...
11-05-2022 by redazione
Among the many precautions and things to know before facing a vacation or a period of stay in Kenya, there...
28-04-2022 by redazione
On June 12, 2022 the Italians will vote on five popular referendums that particularly...
19-04-2022 by redazione
The desire to think about a permanent move to Kenya is back.
First the pandemic, then...
03-03-2022 by redazione
Since the period of pandemic restrictions, with the reopening of tourism from Italy to Kenya, some of...
07-01-2022 by redazione
There are still forty nations that do not accept Kenyan citizens on their territory, three more than...
13-11-2021 by redazione
There have been an increasing number of reports, for the past month, of travelers who are unable to...
02-09-2021 by redazione
As of last 24 May 2021, pursuant to Article 3 of the Ordinance of 14 May 2021, anyone entering Italy...
22-07-2021 by redazione
Is it possible to stay in Kenya for the whole year, or even just one day more than the three months provided...
03-01-2021 by redazione
With the start of the new year, Kenya has entered a new era in terms of entry ...
30-12-2020 by redazione
As we announced previously, from 1 January 2020, tourists will only be allowed to enter Kenya if they...
30-12-2020 by redazione
It's official, from 1 January 2021 only the online visa will be valid to enter in...
15-04-2020 by redazione
The Kenya Immigration Office has decided to facilitate foreign citizens who are expiring any visa or permit and...
04-12-2019 by redazione
Also for this new tourist season, and it is assumed for the whole of 2020, foreign...
21-10-2019 by redazione
Anyone preparing to travel to Kenya already knows or is informed that to enter the country must be in...
21-02-2019 by Consolato Malindi
For the payment of pensions (over 411,000) to eligible residents abroad (in 131 countries), the Social Security uses a contractor bank of a tender which is renewed every three years. The bank in charge of the service work itself through corresponding banks in different areas.
Pensions are paid to residents abroad every month. The amount of pensions lower than a limit set by law are paid every six months as is the case for retirees in Italy. The payment of pensions is usually carried out by crediting the bank account of the pensioner.
07-12-2018 by redazione
31-10-2018 by redazione
10-10-2017 by redazione
18-08-2017 by redazione
Electronic Passport from 1 September for Kenyan citizens.
The Kenya Immigration Office has announced that at the end of this month it will no longer be possible to apply for a passport valid for expatriation with the methods used to date.
02-05-2017 by redazione
Following President Kenyatta's promise to increase Kenyan employees' minimum wage by 18% and the relaunch of trade unions who would want to increase by 22% (likely to find agreement by around 20), some readers have asked us to publish Current minimum wages that must be respected.
Minimum wages in Kenya vary from area to area (geographic): higher in major cities (Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu), middle in counties and former municipalities including Malindi and Kilifi County and lowest in all other areas.
Here are all the minimum wages at the current state of the regulations, according to the Office of the Labor Office dated 26 June 2015.
07-04-2017 by redazione
A communication from the Tourism Regulation Authority Malindi seems to make clear requests by the Government with regard to the tax on holiday houses in Kenya. From this explanations provided in the letter, which was dated yesterday and you can download from our website, it appears that all owners of houses, villas and apartments must pay the fee of Kshs famous. 27,000 a year, who also hosts family and friends for free, because they would take away jobs for hotel, resort and guest house.
08-03-2017 by redazione
When an Italian citizen is in an emergency situation (such as a tourist in transit has to start and has lost or was robbed of his passport) and he's not in time to institute the necessary investigation for the issuance of a new passport, post issues a temporary document-traveling (also called ETD Emergency travel document), which is valid only for return trips to Italy, the country of permanent residence abroad or, in exceptional cases, to a different destination.
To get it you have to show up at the consulate, which will issue after obtaining the following documentation and after ave experienced the findings of the case:
09-02-2017 by redazione
The tax on private homes and the guest house in Kenya, already indicated in the "Tourism Act" of 2011 and "Tourism Regulatory Autorithy regulation of 2014" is now operative.
22-11-2016 by redazione
Good news for those who will travel to Kenya during the upcoming Christmas holidays and in early 2017. The "old" paper visa will still be valid in spite of what you do online, while being more practical and now in step with the times, always it presents some more difficulties, even if it saves a few minutes at the time of the African country.
09-09-2015 by redazione
The paper visa to enter Kenya from tourists is still valid and has been extended by the Immigration "Sine die".
He also confirmed the President of Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta on the sidelines of the stand Kenyan Expo in Milan.
Tourists will continue to ask for an entry visa, valid for 3 months of arrival, at the international airports of Mombasa or Nairobi, as well as do previously online through the site e-citizen. In this case the date from which the three months is the one which issued the visa online, and not the arrival in Kenya.