15-04-2020 by redazione
The Kenya Immigration Office has decided to facilitate foreign citizens who are expiring any visa or permit and during this period cannot leave Kenya, except through occasional possible return flights.
Since yesterday a system of renewal of visas expiring (even that of six months as a tourist, for those in possession of a return ticket with date beyond the blockade of flights from Kenya, i.e. last March 25th) through the website of the Immigration Office is operational, although it is advisable to open this procedure with an officer of the same office, the closest to your current domicile or residence.
The advice is not ours but comes from the same offices, especially for those in a hurry, because the service is still being run in and may not respond properly or quickly.
Going instead to the Immigration Office of your county or city, you can open the account (in case you haven't already done so) and let them follow you in the procedure.
This procedure includes: opening your account at,
provide a valid email where a link will arrive. Fill in the request and print the sheet that will be dated and signed.
You will need to bring with you a photocopy of your passport (first two pages and page of the visa and possible subsequent renewal), two passport size photos and a photocopy of your return flight ticket.
Please note that those who are not in possession of the return ticket, with any previous or future date, and are tourists are in conditions of illegality in this country, because even if they managed to leave from Italy (with fictitious or even without a fictitious return) and were not checked upon arrival, they still violated one of the laws of Kenya that regulate the entry of foreign tourists into the country.
Once you have received the OK from the Immigration Office where you went, you can send the printed paper from them plus photocopies of documents and photos to the Immigration of Nairobi, at the address you will be given. Shipping by courier costs about 800 shillings. The renewal is valid for 90 days.
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