12-05-2017 by redazione
Kuki Gallman is better off and decides to release the first interview to the press, choosing the "Daily Mail" headline.
The wounded writer was shot dead on April 23 by an armed gang of Pokot tribe shepherds who illegally occupied his property, told his experience and assured that as soon as he feels better and the doctors will give her the "free way" He will return to Ol Nyro, who has been home since 1972 when he moved to Kenya with his husband Paolo and his son Emanuele, both of whom were tragically gone, and in the belly the second-born Sveva, who is now beside her and risked even before Her mother, last March, to be hit.
"I'm wounded but I'm not beaten," Gallman said from his hospital room to the British chronicler, "I'll be back soon to resume my battle in defending animals, smuggling, and country devils."
Gallmann is also winning the post-operation battle, which has led to a bad infection.
"At gunpoint, I felt like a punch in the stomach, then everything was fast and I was already here in the hospital. But now I have to go back to my place, inertia and immobility are the worst punishment I could receive."
Gallmann according to the Daily Mail reporter is still weak and speaks loudly but is absolutely unbreakable when he concludes the interview saying "I'm ready to go back to resist Ol Ary Nyro must resist!"
by redazione
The conditions of the Italian born and kenian citizen author and writer Kuki Gallman are aggravated.
Ten days after the attack immediately in Laikipia's ranch in Kenya's Rift Valley, the seventies-old environmentalist, author of the bestseller, "Dreaming Africa", is still...
Kuki Gallmann had "a story to tell".
This novel is his story.
by redazione
by redazione
The fighter is back. The Italian conservationist and writer Kuki Gallmann, born Maria Boccazzi, after nine...
"I would like to express my gratitude to all Italian friends and readers - too many to be able to do it individually - for the wave of solidarity, affection and friendship that has poured on me and my flamenco...
by redazione
Italian environmentalist and writer Kuki Gallmann was seriously injured in the Laikipia Nature...
by redazione
A bullet in the stomach, and a lot of blood loss before air transport, more than an hour after the shootout she was involved with.
Kuki Gallmann, an Italian writer, a Kenyan citizen, is accustomed to struggle and has lived...
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by Freddie del Curatolo
There are no less than 17 Italians among the three hundred volunteer 'angels' who contribute to...
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Since 2008 we have been collecting, after reading and reviewing them, the books on...
by Maurice Shutgens
In the past months, Laikipia in central Kenya has seen numerous incidences of the killing of wildlife by armed pastoralists.
The situation remains volatile in places, with drought and local politics being the primary reasons for the unrest.
It comes out these days in Italy the new novel by writer and director of Freddie del Curatolo.
The news, if you will, is that this time no mention of Kenya and Malindi.
It is in fact a story...
by redazione
This afternoon on the channel for Italians around the world, Rai Italia, during one of its most popular...