07-07-2017 by redazione
After a few days of complete lack of supermarket desks and local shops in Malindi and on the north coast of Kenya, packs of 1 or 2 kilograms of mail flour, which are indispensable to prepare the ugali, national national kana, came back.
After the period of great drought in the country that had contributed, together with inflation, to raise the prices of the few schools left in the warehouses, there was a complete lack of "posho", so that the state had to buy a ' Quantum Ingredient (30 tons) of ground maize from Mexico, via South Africa, keeping prices below 100 shillings per 2kg package. Price that was over 150 and someone, taking advantage of the shortage, had also brought 200 shillings.
But since the end of June on the coast the packs have started again scarce and there have been episodes of scamming.
Even a Malindi arrested people who "spat" corn flour at costs higher than those set by the Government.
From Wednesday, they have come back to see each time the "Taifa", the national flour label, the most sold and used, whose citizen deposits are between Lawford's residence and the square of the exchange.
With great joy of the local population. The laps are used to eating only foods whose basic element is the "smooth", that is, the polenta of corn flour. For a while they have resisted and will resist many thanks to their corn fields, but for those who are transferred to the city and no longer "shamba" the situation was dramatic.
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