13-11-2023 by redazione
Among the many negative proposals, especially related to increases in costs and fees, the revisions of regulations contained in the Kenyan government's recent publication in the Official Gazette, dated 6 November and then blocked by the Kenyan High Court, there is also one that could be read in a positive and certainly 'revolutionary' manner, as far as Kenya is concerned.
If the Kenyan judiciary were to reject the petition seeking to cancel the new rules (which, among other things, provide for the doubling of the price of the tourist visa, from 50 to 100 dollars) it would, however, for the first time, activate the possibility, paying of course, of being able to stay in the country even after the canonical six months in which a tourist visa is to be used (3 months by default plus renewal for up to another 3).
The cost of the operation would be $200, which would be added to the other $200 to be paid after the first three months. In fact, at present, after the first three months of stay as a non-resident in Kenya, an extension of another 90 days can be made without any cost, while if the revisions introduced by the Ministry of the Interior were accepted, the new fee, 200 dollars (30 thousand shillings) precisely, would be introduced.
All in all, considering the other proposed increases, including those affecting residents, with work permits that would increase by 150%, it would be better if everything remained as it is now.
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