04-12-2020 by redazione
The American Centre for Disease Control and Prevention CDC has also identified Kenya as one of the countries where travel is highly discouraged.
This happened in the aftermath of the position taken against Tanzania, which has been self-declared "Covid Free" for months but where, according to non-governmental organizations in the area and observers from medical associations, there are many cases and also people at risk.
In the same danger zone (level 4) together with Kenya and Tanzania there are also Uganda and Burundi.
The United States reports a "high prevalence of Covid-19 cases" in Kenya in spite of the official data coming from Nairobi which, especially compared to the USA, should not worry at all in view of the travel of their countrymen. If anything, the opposite should be the case. But evidently, as happened with Dar Es Salaam, American observers do not completely trust the numbers provided by the Kenyan Ministry of Health.
"Travellers should avoid all travel to Kenya. If you have to travel, talk to your doctor before you travel, especially if you are at risk of serious illness from Covid-19" is the CDC's latest warning.
American citizens who have to travel have been advised to take the test between 1-3 days before travelling, to always wear a mask during the trip, to stay at least 1.5 metres away from people who are not travelling with them, to wash their hands often or use hand disinfectant, and to check their health in case of signs of illness.
Before returning to the United States, they were told to take the swab 1 to 3 days before the trip.
As was the case in Europe, Rwanda was considered one of the safest countries on the continent, with level 1, which means very low impact of the virus within its territory.
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