08-02-2017 by Freddie del Curatolo
A long illness that gave no hope, but an indomitable spirit that until the end he thought of art and to his beloved Africa.
Isaiah Mabellini, universally known as Sarenco, was much more of a patron, the more of an eclectic artist with a passion for the art of the Dark Continent. He discovered and launched talent across Africa, has created a movement where it is already difficult to convince the individual artists to cultivate their originality.
The creator of a Biennale of visual art in Malindi, which few would have thought possible, has died in Italy at the age of 72 years.
Sarenco in life was a painter, poet, and photographer but also has incredible talent scout African personalities who became famous in all over the world galleries.
"Sarenco gave hope to young Kenyan and African artists - remember Armando Tanzini - and has perceived the importance of Malindi. He knew the old and esoteric magnetism of this town, and here he wanted his biennial of contemporary African art. It must be remembered as a monument, a giant art and culture not only of Eastern Africa ".
Sarenco loved to travel to Africa. He had told us travel in Malawi, Zimbabwe, in inaccessible areas where he had risked his life to bring home priceless works or have convinced unaware of genes remote areas to appear. After bringing to the attention of the Western world sculptors, figurative painters and artists from every state, he had transformed his villa Malindina, African Dada, in the Marine Park area, an art gallery, and there in 2012 he wanted his last biennial.
Gian Paolo Tomasi, who with Sarenco shared journeys and African experiences, Serbian a special memory of the creative Brescia.
"He launched the contemporary African art, and not only in Italy - admits Tomasi - getting passionate in all aspects of the culture of the countries he visited. It 'been a great researcher with an incredible eye for the true natural talents and a" artistic ferocity "which has always kept him in tune with this place."
Sarenco goodbye, and thank the artistic and cultural breath that you wanted to give to Malindi.
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