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Malaria down 60% in Kenya

In Malindi town almost disappeared

02-12-2014 by

The government data show a decrease of 42%, but on the coast of Kenya also reported 60%.
Malaria is disappearing rapidly from the country and the numbers, month by month, confirm this.
The news of those wonderful especially for the local population that until a few years ago was neither victim, also because of lack of information, the care that not everyone could access and other reasons due to carelessness and lack of attention by the state . But it is also great news for tourists who always feed some fear of the tropical fever and equip themselves accordingly, often exaggerating with preventive care or precautions.
Important in this regard, are the statistics compiled by the Office of Health Malindi. In tests performed on subjects at risk, for example, it has gone from an average of 7% of chronic malaria, in January 2007, 3% in the same month of 2008 and it is estimated that in recent months the percentage will be further reduced. "Many factors contribute to these results - explains Dickson Mugaza, health director of Malindi - first the slow disappearance of the Anopheles mosquito, for different reasons, then the accessibility of care for all, with many medicines for free distribution and also the provision of mosquito nets even the poorer class. " But the numbers are comforting not only as regards the treatment of malaria in respect of Kenyan, but also for tourists and Italian residents. The ability to take the tropical fever declined dramatically, in 2007 reported cases of 90,000 Italian tourists arrived on the coast of Kenya were 14, or the 0.0003%. Stuff Superenalotto.
In a few years Kenya has become one of the safest countries in Africa to do so. The merit is partly Italian. Mauro Saio, head of infectious diseases department of the Nairobi Hospital, it was part of the team that in 1996 revolutionized the treatment for malaria in Kenya, bringing the country to be the first among those where the problem exists, to introduce ' artemisinin in malaria medicines. "We experimented with this method for the first in the world - explains Habit - through collaboration with Chinese researchers, who first implemented this new treatment. Artemisinin acts directly on malaria gametocytes, thus making sterile Anopheles mosquitoes bite humans, so as to prevent them from reproducing. This is the main reason for the near extinction of the species. " Alongside it was put on the market other medicines "the day after" really effective as Coartem. "In Kenya for some years is the so-called Combination Treatment - illustrates the Italian doctor - that cures malaria, and at the same time prevents the return. In addition, the Government has taken steps to reduce the costs of medicines, so you can ensure access even to the poorer classes. it 'was also blocked the sale in a single composition, because it is precisely the combination of care and its completeness to create the conditions to eradicate malaria. Now Kenya is leading in Africa , from this point of view". If it is true that today no vaccination is requested to those who enter the territory of Kenya, it is equally true that it is outdated to talk about malaria prophylaxis, in front of such a low probability to take it.

TAGS: Malaria KenyaMalaria MalindiCoartemSanità MalindiMalindi health

A revolutionary new breakthrough in malaria treatment has been developed by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health's Malaria Research Institute in Baltimore, USA.


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