31-10-2023 by redazione
From next January, foreign tourists wishing to enter the Masai Mara reserve will have to pay double the current entry fees, and Kenyan citizens even triple them.
This is because the Narok County government, which administers the world's most famous, fascinating and award-winning safari reserve (unlike the other parks that are managed by the government, through the Kenya Wildlife Service), has decided to increase the prices, after four months of heated debate on the issue.
'The increase was a proposal that the Narok government confirmed a few days ago,' the county confirmed.
The new fares, which will therefore come into effect from 1 January 2024, stipulate that foreign tourists will pay $200 instead of the current $100, while foreigners residing in Kenya will pay Kes. 4500 (minors 2000). For Kenyans not resident in Narok County, admissions will increase from Kes. 1000 to Kes. 3000.
As for vehicles, those with less than six seats will pay Kes. 500, those with between six and 12 seats will pay Ksh1,000, while minibuses will pay Ksh3,000 to Ksh4,000 depending on capacity.
The decision is part of the general policy of increasing park admissions, for which even government-run national parks will see significant increases from next January.
The complaints of the safari and tourism agency categories in recent months have been to no avail.
'With additional income,' the KWS management had explained, 'we will be able to improve our services and the maintenance of the parks, as well as control and security'.
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