29-10-2024 by redazione
School examinations began this week in Kenya for 1.3 million Kenyan primary school students (primary + secondary, according to the English 8-4-4 system).
The Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) is part of the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC), a system introduced in recent years that focuses more on practical skills and developing students' abilities, rather than simply memorising information.
The exam is essential for the students' transition to secondary school.
The examinations began yesterday with written tests in mathematics and English, while today the young students will try their hand at integrated science and Kiswahili, and conclude tomorrow with creative arts and social studies.
The education system in Kenya faces several issues, including limited access to quality education in rural areas, socio-economic inequalities and lack of resources in many schools.
This year, for example, in some counties, such as Tana River, for security reasons related to banditry and tribal feuds. candidates will take their exams in police stations, the Ministry of Education has confirmed.
As mentioned, the education system in Kenya is structured in various levels and follows an 8-4-4 model, which consists of eight years of primary education, four years of secondary education and four years of higher education. Here is an overview of the various levels:
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