29-06-2017 by redazione
The foreign ministries of the countries whose citizens have been assiduously participating in Kenya have not issued any particular announcement in view of the national elections in August, a sign that the current situation does not cause particular fears.
Obviously, the evolutions are carefully followed, but the Italian Farnesina, through its "travelers" website, simply states that frustration between the majority and the opposition in view of the upcoming elections suggests that those traveling to Kenya avoid contact with political demonstrations Or parades, in addition to paying the usual attention to places that, like so many in the world, have in the past suffered the threat of Islamic matrix terrorism. The same are the websites of British, German and American Foreign Ministries.
There is no basis for the warnings of some travel agencies that do not recommend visiting particularly the most beaten places in Kenya, like Malindi, Watamu, Diani and the national parks.
Here is the Farnesian Security Statement regarding the Current Situation in Kenya: Given the continuing terrorist threat, the country's current political framework, the accused conflict between the majority and the opposition, and in view of the electoral consultations scheduled for August 2017, We highly recommend fellow countrymen, avoiding in particular political demonstrations and any kind of gathering.
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US Ambassador to Kenya Robert Godec spoke in press on the forthcoming presidential election in Kenya.
"We do not have a preferred candidate - said Godec to the Kenyan press - for us it is important that the new president...
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Kenya on the eve of the election loses the man of national security.
Defense Minister Joseph Ole Nkasseiry died suddenly last night after being taken to hospital in Nairobi.
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he Supreme Court of Kenya upheld the appeal of the Opposition represented by Nasa Alliance and its candidate President Raila Odinga, annulling the result of the national elections.
This is an unprecedented fact in a Republic of the African Continent.
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The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) today officially launched the election campaign in Kenya.
Candidates for the Presidency of the Republic and for a seat in Parliament will have more than two months to convince voters to vote for...
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The Kenya Tourist Board and the Kenya Wildlife Service will work from here to the immediate post-election campaign to promote tourism in the unspoiled places of Kenya and the most sought-after tourist destinations.
by Freddie del Curatolo
There could not have been a more strategically important time for U.S. Secretary of State Antony...
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The Electoral Commission of Kenya IEBC rejected the statement by the leader of the Opposition leader Raila Odinga announcing that he was renouncing to run for the Kenyan Presidency in the new elections, scheduled for 26 October next.
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The date of the new elections in Kenya could be postponed.
This is what the IEBC Electoral Commission would have reported yesterday evening to the national daily Daily Nation, after receiving a dossier on the telematic organisation of the forthcoming...
by redazione
The new presidential elections in Kenya will take place on Thursday 26 October instead of Tuesday 17 October.
Confirmation is open the day after the Supreme Court of Kenya's publication of the judgment annulling the previous elections.
Elections that have...