22-07-2022 by redazione
Travelling from Italy to Kenya, in view of the summer holidays, is becoming easier and easier for Italians, especially for the return journey, given that since last 1 June, our country no longer requires a green pass, the relevant vaccinations or any equivalent certification for entry into our airports.
Clearly, as the Italian (Travel Safe) and Kenyan (Ministry of Health) websites also remind us, one must respect the rules in force in the country of arrival as well, not only those for returning home.
But even here, for the past three months, it has been possible for non-vaccinated people to enter through airport customs in Nairobi and Mombasa and spend a maximum period of 90 days (renewable online) in the country. It is only necessary to find out about the rules for entering the airport areas and with the airlines that may require PCR or antigen swabs for internal reasons.
So here are all the rules when entering and leaving Kenya, summarised in one article!
For those vaccinated with at least two doses, the journey now does not require a PCR swab, neither by the two governments nor by the airlines (it is better, however, to enquire because the rules often change, especially for airport transits).
The same goes for quarantine on return: in no case (except with symptoms attributable to the virus and after swabbing on arrival) will quarantine have to be carried out. In the same way, there will no longer be any need to present the swab, either molecular or antigenic, on arrival, or to do so before leaving.
Like Italy, Kenya no longer requires the molecular swab, nor the antigenic one for that matter, when one has to leave.
Therefore, all that remains is the obligation to have a certificate of at least two vaccinations, or a Green Pass (also from recovery, with validity restrictions that we report below).
Even non-vaccinated people can, for the first time, travel to Kenya. For them, the dynamics are still quite complex. You need the PCR swab that is needed both to leave Italy and to arrive in Kenya, on arrival in Kenya you will be obliged to take an antigenic swab (cost $30) at the airport and in case of positivity to a PCR ($50) that if it confirms the positivity would force the traveller to isolation in the domicile indicated on the online visa.
IN ADDITION: The Kenyan Embassy in Italy warns that non-vaccinated people are required to provide a certificate stating the reasons why they could not be vaccinated. This is to say that medical reasons (recovery, inability due to other illnesses, etc.) are accepted but not conceptual ones.
When departing from Italy, there will be no need to fill in the Passenger Locator Form (EXCEPT IN THE CASES REFERRED TO A FEW LINES BELOW), but only to upload the double vaccination certificate (the third or any other booster is not required) on the website. Then submit the relevant paperwork anyway.
For those who have a Healing Green Pass and have not had the vaccinations, the website is unlikely to accept this option, so both the Kenyan Embassy in Rome and the Kenyan airport authorities advise you firstly to contact your airline to make sure they are aware of the new provisions, and secondly to print out the Healing Green Pass and bring it with you. It is considered valid by the Kenyan authorities if it is not older than 90 days (source Africa CDC taken from the Kenyan Embassy in Italy with communiqué that you can print out here and take with you just in case). Kenya also does not require vaccinations from minors, but since it has also opened to "no vax" all those over 5 years of age, even if not uploaded on the global haven portal, must present the vaccination certificate, or undergo a PCR swab on departure and antigenic swab on arrival, with an additional medical letter. For any other information, look under the Kenya tab, on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Let us then recapitulate the obligations in force in Kenya to access it.
UPDATE: Some airlines may still require the PLF, notably the charter company NEOS. The reference site for filling it out is that of the Kenyan Ministry of Health
In order to board a plane with final destination Kenya, if fully vaccinated, it is no longer necessary to have a PCR swab negative certificate. However, it is advisable to make sure that airlines are also on this line and do not require the swab and that any transit airports do not oblige passengers to arrive with any test results.
As is well known, Kenya accepts tourists from Italy, and the immigration office at the airports of Nairobi and Mombasa will stamp the tourist visa equivalent to the return date indicated on the online visa, unless the tourist indicates otherwise, up to 3 months.
The same tourist visa will then possibly be renewable for a further 3 months, but exclusively online.
The cost of the visa is USD 51, which with the transaction becomes 53, so at the current exchange rate 48 euros.
We would like to remind you that there is no longer the possibility of a paper visa on arrival in Kenya and that to fill out the visa online you must go to the link on the Kenyan site. The paperwork can take up to 24 hours, so it is advisable to do the visa at least two days before you leave.
JITENGE: You may be asked to download the "Jitenge Moh" APP on your mobile phone and report your destination. If so, just type Jitenge Moh App into Google and it will come up with the app to download, and then follow the directions.
Also, since 12 March, a face mask is no longer compulsory in open places in Kenya.
FROM 1 JUNE 2022 to return from Kenya, as mentioned above, the Italian state, in addition to no longer requiring a tampon, WILL NO LONGER REQUIRE GREEN PASS or related certifications.
FROM 1 MAY 2022 IT WILL ALSO NO LONGER BE MANDATORY TO FILE THE PLF, as decided by Minister Speranza. (Article here:
Just as airport authorities are not required to ask for PCR swabs on departure. The important thing, as on departure, is to make sure that your airline or any transit airport does not demand it.
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