25-08-2020 by redazione
Cases and especially percentages in Kenya continue to fall, and even the Ministry of Health, while inviting not to consider the downhill curve nor the country as "Covid Free", dispenses optimism.
In yesterday's bulletin on Monday, August 24, 193 new positives were recorded against 3381 swabs, with the lowest percentage of cases per swab since last May (5.7%).
At the same time 225 people were discharged from health care or isolation facilities in the various counties, bringing the total number of healings to 18,895.
There were 6 patients who died with Coronavirus in the last 24 hours. The total number of deaths thus increases to 554, since exactly five months ago (March 25, 2020) Kenya recorded the first death among its citizens.
Addressing the issue of flattening the curve of Kenya based on the significant drop in positive cases and percentages, the Director General of Health, Dr. Patrick Amoth, revealed that the country is on track.
According to data provided by his ministry, if the average positive per swab rate of around 5 percent could be maintained for two weeks, one might think that Kenya has weathered its worst period.
On the other hand, the average of those who, among the deceased, had previous diseases or those who did not make it after other diseases but it was discovered that they had contracted the virus, is always very high.
The Ministry of Health has also taken a look at the deaths of newborns, which together with those of mothers, account for about 15% of deaths. But the causes attributed remain those for which Kenya records many deaths every year: infections, prematurity and complications during childbirth.
Never as in Africa, and we are observing it day after day analyzing the health reality in Kenya, Covid-19 appears as an aggravating factor but never as the main cause of deaths, although it must be said that in this country a large part of the population does not know that it has dysfunctions or diseases that the virus could explode or that with symptomaticity could become fatal.
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