20-05-2020 by Leni Frau
The most important and organized Italian solidarity reality of the Kenyan coast, Karibuni Onlus, has strengthened its collaboration with the Diocese of Malindi in coincidence with the Covid-19 emergency that reduced to hunger thousands of needy families of the northern coastal regions, from Mida Creek to Lamu County, more than usual in this period of low season, floods and consequent precarious health and housing conditions.
Families have been identified by the various parishes through the local elders and village leaders, without religious or tribal distinctions.
Yesterday, thanks to donations from a group of friends from Donamasai, a local resident very active in the social and social field, a ton of corn flour, as well as tampons, soap, disinfectants, masks and other consumer goods such as beans, fruit, vegetables and eggs from the Karibuni farms in Langobaya were delivered to the pastoral headquarters of the Diocese of Malindi, in the presence of the responsible Father Albert.
It is estimated that at least 100 families, i.e. a total of 600 to 700 people, will benefit from this which is Karibuni's second donation, with a third expected next week, thus supporting more than 2000 people.
Karibuni Onlus has also been chosen by the American NGO Partners for Care for the distribution of an innovative water transport system in the villages along the coast: they are called water backpacks and they are real waterproof backpacks that, besides being more comfortable to transport, also contribute to reduce health costs, eliminating the dependence on canisters that are often contaminated and constitute one of the main sources of water-borne diseases. Covid-19 pandemic emergency water backpacks can also be used as mobile hand washing stations.
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