25-09-2017 by redazione
Vibibibi' are local pancakes made from rice and coconut milk.
"Vibibibi" in kiswahili means "ladies".
In the tradition of the Kenyan coast, they are used in particular for breakfast or as a sweet appetizer before lunch.
There are those who appreciate them also along with ice cream.
1 cup and half of rice
1 cup of coconut cream
Half a cup of coconut milk
An egg
Three quarters of a cup of sugar
One teaspoon of instant yeast
A satin spoonful of flour.
Half a teaspoon of cardamom powder
Clarified butter or seed oil
Rinse the rice with water, then soak for eight hours in water.
Clean and rinse the rice and put the rice into a strainer to drain away as much excess water as possible.
Put the rice in a container, add the sugar and half of the heavy coconut milk.
Work with the whisk until all the rice is finely ground.
This may take some time, continue stirring and gradually add the other half of the coconut cream.
Then add coconut milk, yeast, eggs, flour and cardamom powder.
Stir again until everything is well combined.
Pour this batter into a bowl and cover.
Place it in a warm place for about an hour or until the batter becomes foaming and increases in volume.
Now you can start preparing pancakes.
Heat a small non-stick pan and add a little bit of oil or clarified butter.
Place a little batter on a pan (about one tablespoon from the kitchen), turn the heat down and cover the pan.
When the top of the pancake begins to dry and begins to form small holes, spray a small touch of oil on the pancake and then gently flip it upside down to cook the other side.
It should have a strong gilding on both sides.
Remove on a pan, then repeat the process and continue until all pancakes are made.
by redazione
In Kiswahili, the word "vibibibi" means "young ladies."
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