"Born Free" is the first novel, autobiographical, which tells the story of a friendship between humans and wild and ferocious animals of the Savannah, which no one had previously imagined could prove so profound.
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Since 2008 we have been collecting, after reading and reviewing them, the books on...
by Freddie del Curatolo
I do not remember if I chose this life, or was forced into it.
I remember...
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Good news for safari lovers in Kenya and especially for those who organize them, agencies and tour operators.
The Kenya Wildlife Service from November 1 reduced entry ticket in Kenya's national parks and reserves.
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There are 64 parks and national reserves in Kenya, which is the country of the world with the widest variety of animal species in the wildside.
Even the vegetation varies from park to park and with it the microclimate and...
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Among the many precautions and things to know before facing a vacation or a period of stay in Kenya, there...
by Freddie del Curatolo
Without Gianfranco Vitali, the story of the Italian Malindi that we like to tell, would be very ...
Another bridge built with the help of the Japanese, after that of Kilifi built on the creek in 1991...
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The world changes and with it also the way you travel and discover it.
We are less and less tourists and more hikers, adventurers who are perhaps very social but also ready to try "chills" to counterbalance the anxieties and...
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From next January, foreign tourists wishing to enter the Masai Mara reserve will have to pay double...
The Tanzanian government has given the green light to the Tanzania National Parks Authority for the...