19-11-2022 by redazione
Among the initiatives that promoted Italian cuisine in Kenya for a week, as part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' review that takes place at almost the same time in all countries where there are our diplomatic representations, surely the presence of a top chef like Sicilian Giuseppe Geraci was the icing on the classic cake.
His restaurant "Modì" in Torregrotta, province of Messina, was recently judged the 21st best in Italy by Gambero Rosso and the best in Sicily in 2019. In Nairobi, he conducted a two-day internship for young aspiring chefs from Utalii College, the Kenyan hotel university, and then offered dishes from his Italian restaurant last Thursday at one of the capital's most exclusive venues.
Let's hear and see how it went in the interview from the Italians in Kenya channel!
Sunday in Malindi is often synonymous with a day by the Indian Ocean, between relaxation and...
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The new management of the Tangeri Lounge, a restaurant with a terrace on the...
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The "World Week of Italian Cuisine", an initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International...
She trained for six months and when they saw her seriousness, competence and above all endurance, many...
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The opening day of the World Week of Italian Cuisine is reserved for one of ...
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With an evening of haute cuisine by Michelin guided chef and taste ambassador Luca Mastromattei...
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After calamarata last Thursday and oyster feast on Saturday evening, the Casuarina Club Olimpia in Malindi tonight proposes the gnocchi evening.
A true Italian specialties homemade by the local chef malindino with the recipe once and seasonings to taste: classic...
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Mercoledì e giovedì il Tangeri Lounge di Malindi propone un viaggio sensoriale dalla Sardegna...
Put on an Italian summer evening in Malindi: what can't you miss? Good food, good...
by Leni Frau
The weekend at Malindina is an opportunity to learn about the classy cuisine of one of Kenya's...
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An "Italian Mambo" at the Tangeri Lounge in Malindi, to spend an evening...
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Another weekend of haute cuisine with the hand and creativity of Italian chef...
by Freddie del Curatolo
The highlight of the Kenyan edition of the Week of Italian Cuisine in the World was held on Wednesday...