10-03-2017 by redazione
A major turning point in the road network in Kenya. Since May, as he announced the National Transpor and Safety Authority (NTSA) of Kenya, a driver's license is going digital.
The implementation of a decree that had already been filed two years ago, you have the agreement signed by NTSA with National Bank, which won the tender for the conversion of the old paper model in digital format.
The new licenses will be equipped with electronic chip that can be read by NTSA agents at checkpoints or for renewals.
And as happens in the West, it will be introduced in the points system, with possible loss or timed suspension of driving permits and bonuses for good drivers.
"We will have a central database with all the data of each individual driver" announced the General Manager of NTSA, Francis Meja.
It is not yet known how long they can be still in force the current paper licenses, or if the National Bank will actually be ready from May to make the switch to digital.
This will give a final close against the acquisition system for driving licenses on the black market, because the conversion of unregistered licenses and therefore invalid result in the reconstruction of the same.
The issue of licenses handed out too easily cause hundreds of accidents per year in Kenya.
According to statistics of the NTSA, in 2015 were issued 92,000 licenses, against 88,000 the previous year's.
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