28-01-2021 by Leni Frau
Responsible citizens of Malindi are once again taking care of their land.
The monthly clean-up exercises and the way in which the Malindi Green And Blue movement created by PWAM (Progress Welfare Association of Malindi) has been taking the revival and sustainable development of the tourist destination to heart for the past two years have set an example.
Not only have other resorts joined in and emulated PWAM's programmes, but all the institutions have also collaborated, and certificates of esteem and concrete proposals for collaboration have arrived from Nairobi.
After those with KWS, NEMA, as well as Kilifi County, the Ministry of Environment has chosen Malindi and particularly the mouth of the Sabaki River to celebrate World Wetlands Day in Kenya.
The day will be honoured in the presence of the Minister of Environment Keriako Tobiko and the Governor of Kilifi Amason Kingi with the highest national and local dignitaries from Nema, KWS and Kilifi County on Tuesday 2 February starting at 8.30am at the Sabaki. The Director General of the National Environment Authority (NEMA) Mamo B. Mamo ,Chairman John Koncellah and NEMA Director George Oyoo, with Regional Coordinator John Elungata and Deputy Minister Chris Kiptoo, among others, will be present.
In the program that the day before also includes visits to Watamu, Mida Creek and Kilifi, PWAM has organized for Saturday, January 30 a special day of Clean Up at the mouth of the Sabaki, to raise awareness on the importance of preserving our river that is a source of health and prosperity for the entire territory and on which depends the lives of many local residents as well as the future of the beaches and the coastline of Malindi and Mambrui.
Therefore the entire population is invited to participate in the Clean Up of the Sabaki estuary on Saturday 30 January, meeting at 8am at the Malindi National Museum (transport is not yet guaranteed) or rather around 9am at Hippo Point in the Sabaki estuary.. PWAM is organizing transport to a fantastic place where you can admire a nature still untouched and to be preserved, with flamingos, hippos and many species of birds, but that is in not good conditions due to neglect.
The population is also asked to participate by bringing masks, gloves and buying mangrove seeds that will be planted on 2 February in the presence of the authorities. On the same day, Malindi businesses that promote handicrafts by recycling plastic and other waste materials are invited to participate in the exhibition of their works that will be held during the day.
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