17-09-2021 by redazione
On Saturday, September 18, responsible Malindi will be all over the town's beaches to participate in the cleaning of the coastline on the International Coastal Cleanup Day.
The initiative, promoted by the Progress Welfare Association Malindi (PWAM) which is now the main actor of the events related to environmental protection in the tourist destination, with the support of Kilifi County, the National Government, NEMA and Kenya Wildlife Service, will be staged from 8 am and will be divided into small organized groups, as has been the case for some time due to the restrictions caused by Covid-19.
As in the last monthly clean-up exercises in the town, during which PWAM has seen a growing number of responsible residents join, this Saturday associations and private citizens will be involved in safeguarding their environment and setting an example to all, hoping that these repeated efforts will lead to a smart management of the waste collected because for a long time the town has been cleaner on the ground but the waste that is then burned becomes a threat in the air, in the form of poisonous pollution.
For some time the Mayungu dumpsite has been under observation by the National Environment Authority of Kenya (NEMA) and it is hoped that as soon as possible a plan for the control of disposal operations and waste collection will start.
Three are the areas from which the cleaning will start: from Ocean Beach Resort to Casino Malindi, from Casino to the jetty and from the waterfront to Vasco Da Gama Pillar.
Among the associations involved, with PWAM, the Baharini Women Group beach operators, Anziki Recycle and Aspiga Kids, Beach Management Unit, Silversands Beach Operators, Myrerc, as well as resorts and other businesses.
To participate in the operation, one can register at 0736621261 or by reporting to the various social media @lovemalindi.
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