18-04-2020 by Leni Frau
The generosity of the Italian community and the collaboration between malindikenya.net, PWAM and the Red Cross have achieved the goal of delivering a total of 5000 masks for the people of Malindi and the surrounding area, in addition to the more than 5000 delivered to Watamu thanks to the associations that have always dealt with the environment and social issues like us.
The last big delivery took place yesterday at the Red Cross headquarters in Malindi, in the presence of Director Cornel and board member, PWAM Chairperson Kate Mwikali, plus many operators and volunteers who are currently involved in the activities of supplying food and disinfectants to the population, as well as in Coronavirus emergency education courses to the various organizations.
Our compatriot Camilla Frasca Caccia, expert safari guide and owner of Bush Company, has donated 1000 red masks that malindikenya.net has had produced in these days.
They are in addition to the other 1000 that had already been delivered thanks to the collaboration with Eden House and thanks to many other donors. The Red Cross will use the masks during food deliveries and will also provide them to groups of boda boda and other categories of workers who do not yet have them or who can provide minimal protection to their families.
The delivery then moved to the Marine Park, in the offices of Kenya Wildlife Service, where, thanks to donations from Camilla and Pasquale Pes of Olimpia Club, another 200 masks have been donated to the "Covid-19 Team" of KWS, which is carrying out control, prevention and awareness work along the beaches of Malindi and Watamu.
Malindikenya.net (as well as Eden House, which still has 500 masks at home for those who want to buy and donate them) ends this weekend the production, distribution and delivery of the masks, thanks to the collaboration with the Department of Social Services of the Municipality of Malindi, which is delivering another 600 masks.
From next week anyone who wants to help us will do so to start a collection of essential goods, especially food, for the emergencies that will be created during the rainy season, where the risk of contracting the virus will unfortunately be accompanied by other diseases and especially indigence that will fatally lead to malnutrition and weakness.
As always, to help us help, you can send via Mpesa to +254720178982, also from Italy by credit card through the site worldremit.com with limited fees.
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