06-05-2017 by redazione
A supermanager from Nairobi to solve the water issue on the coast, which with the drought of recent months has become even more obvious and unbearable.
Nowadays, the population and the tourist industry suffer from continual blackouts in water supply from the public aquifers of the Baricho plant, on the Galana River, in the Malindi hinterland.
Each month, Kenya Power and Lightning, the national electricity company, asks the Coast Water Service Board, to pay the bill and the arrears that now amount to several million shillings.
In response, almost never comes the figure corresponding to the bill to be paid, but always a minor figure.
It is then that KPL releases electricity to Baricho 1 and Baricho 2 plants that filter the river water and channel it into the aqueducts that will then serve not only the Kilifi County, but also most of the districts of Mombasa.
In Malindi and Watamu medium water is missing 4 days a month, until the bill is in some way and largely paid, but in other distant areas, such as Bamburi where there has recently been an exemplary protest Of the residents, it also missed for two weeks.
That is why the Government has decided to intervene firmly by sending one of its most well-prepared managers, Jacob Kimutai, to try and solve the old problem that not only affects the daily lives of thousands of people but also the services of ' The whole tourist industry, which with its induction offers work to as many thousands of Kenyans.
by redazione
North coast of Kenya, from Magarini in Kilifi back in anguish for closing water taps by the Coast Water Service Board, which administers the central Baricho water from which almost all of the water supply to the County of Kilifi....
by Freddie del Curatolo
The system is elementary.
The state-controlled company that pours water to the County of Kilifi, through the plant on the Galana river that takes the endless (thankfully) resources groundwater and river sources, pocketing the bills of all private consumers, businesses,...
by Freddie del Curatolo
by Leni Frau
The most important and organized Italian solidarity reality of the Kenyan coast, Karibuni Onlus, has ...
by redazione
After the exclusive and pleasant gala evening that opened the season of the Malindino space of art, wellness...