18-05-2020 by redazione
The last weekend of the pandemic in Kenya has brought more than a hundred cases of virus positivity.
To the 49 announced by President Kenyatta, who decided to extend both the evening curfew throughout the country and the lockdown of the five counties still closed from the outside for another 21 days, 57 more were added yesterday, the result of the 2198 swabs carried out between Saturday and Sunday, for a total (which is an all-time negative record) of 106 cases on two consecutive days.
The Ministry of Health has confirmed, issuing a statement, that the cases confirmed in the country have risen to 887. Ahead of this step is expected to cross the thousand in three or four days.
524 cases are still active.
Of the 57 new infected, 34 are male and 23 female.
"The youngest of the Covid-19 patients is a 2-year-old child, while the oldest is 61 years old - says the Sunday communiqué signed by government spokesman Cyrus Oguna - in all, we have tested 43712 people so far. We are pleased to see that 12 patients have been released from the hospital, bringing the total number of people who have so far recovered from the Coronavirus to 313".
The distribution of recent cases by County sees Mombasa at the forefront with 35 cases, while 17 were registered in Nairobi, 3 in Kajiado, one in Kwale coastal County and one in Kitui.
In Mombasa, as always, the Old Town is particularly monitored, but also in Likoni four people were positive, as well as 3 in the tourist resort of Nyali.
In Nairobi the new and significant figure (nine cases) comes from the Kibera slum, while Eastleigh recorded two cases and the others come from hospital or quarantine facilities.
Cross-border control activity also continues, in collaboration with the Tanzanian authorities: in the last 24 hours another 12 Tanzanian truckers have tested positive for the swab and were not allowed to enter Kenya with their vehicle.
After blocking the land borders with Tanzania and Somalia and allowing only authorized vehicles for the transport of essential bemi and only virus-free drivers, Kenya is now looking at the increase in cases in Uganda, considering blocking transit in those border areas as well.
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