02-08-2022 by redazione
We launched the appeal on our portal last 21 July: the children of the Malindi hinterland, like many others throughout Kenya, are grappling with a food emergency that is debilitating them. There have been recorded incidents of pupils fainting in the classroom and their families' health problems from malnutrition are worsening.
The Karibuni non-profit organisation, which we support, has denounced the situation in the schools it runs with its food programmes, but the Karibuni farms have also experienced problems due to the drought and the economic crisis.
So a collection was launched, which we reiterate here how to join, and €800 has already been collected. Clearly a drop in the ocean, but fortunately other 'friendly' activities of the Italian non-profit organisation have joined in. Here is the statement by Karibuni's president, Gianfranco Ranieri.
"Today was a special day at Maji primary in langobaya. The first truck arrived this month, delivering 6 tonnes of flour, 3 tonnes of beans and 60 kg of oil. Every week, eggs, chickens and other vegetables from our farms will be brought in. This is the second month we have been supporting this school of over 900 children. For weeks the headmaster had been reporting the daily fainting in the classrooms of dozens of children due to hunger and malnutrition and we could not delay our intervention. Enthusiasm from the children, the older ones helped unload the truck, eyes full of joy ... the best gift for all of us . A special thank you to the Lavazza Foundation and the Gianluca Strada Odv, who completely covered the costs of these two months. Thanks to the many who responded to our appeal, which will ensure that we will continue for a good part of the month of September, too'.
Other donations from Malindian activities, through our portal, will arrive after the elections, in the meantime let's go ahead and collect.
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