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The turmeric fantastic properties

The "magic powder" you should not avoid

29-09-2019 by redazione

It's an original spice of the Indian sub-continent, present on the African coast of the Indian Ocean as early as 1300 and brought to Europe by the British in the past centuries. His name is turmeric (in Sanskrit "interesting land"), but is best known as turmeric.
It comes from a herbaceous plant of Zinziberacee family.
From the roots properly processed is obtained from a powder yellow-orange very intense (like ginger) which is part of the spices that make up curry.
For more than 2000 years it is used not only in cooking but also as ornaments and cosmetics.
It is also appreciated for the beneficial effects on health
Turmeric is one of the basic ingredients of Asian cuisine: it derives from the homonymous herb yellow ocher and utilizzatissima in India for more than 5 thousand years. It is also known as saffron of the Indies because of its area of ​​origin and owns numerous properties and benefits ranging from use as a dye to the medicine, as well all'insaporire foods and be one of the basic ingredients of curry.
Turmeric is a real "magic dust".
It contains a compound, curcumin, which is able to perform very powerful antioxidant for our body, so that numerous studies conducted by different universities and experts have shown that this special protection is also a valuable ally in the fight against cancer in Asian countries, in fact, the incidence of the most common forms of cancer is much lower compared to the rest of the world and this can also be explained with the use of many spices, including turmeric in food preparations.
Among the properties of turmeric, in addition to the cancer, also they include those of a control in blood sugar which makes this very effective spice in type 2 diabetes control The turmeric regulates the blood circulation and is very suitable in recovery post- stroke, it is also considered one of the most purifying foods for the body.
Turmeric is also an excellent anti-inflammatory can also relieve chronic pain, and stimulates the immune system.
Several studies have shown that taking turmeric twice a week helps protect against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's. It would seem the perfect ingredient and many may already be in the process of adding large amounts in their food, but turmeric also has drawbacks and is good to know: do not exceed the recommended daily doses between 400 and 800 milligrams, and side effects are mainly intestinal distrubi such as diarrhea, flatulence and nausea.
People taking anticoagulants should limit the consumption of turmeric, curcumin because it can interfere with medicines, increasing the risk of bleeding. Even those suffering from gallstones should avoid consuming it too often.
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TAGS: Curcuma KenyaSpezie KenyaTurmeric Kenya

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