

French people steal ginger-viagra to Kenya

Mukombero popular again, and now the price jump

13-06-2021 by Freddie del Curatolo

Our topic of the week, suggested by Freddie and Sbringo's parody "Azzurra", the third musical episode of the 10 that make up the "Festival di Sardegna Due", concerns elixirs not so much of long life as of long and satisfying life.
The period of pandemic has perhaps made men in old age forget certain aspirations, but it has certainly not diminished the desire to return to Kenya to resume old habits, trusting in the sharing of compliant girls and women.
Nothing too sinful, as we have been saying since the first shows and the book "Malindi Italy", it's about two different kinds of misery that meet and in the end give each other what they need most.
At least that's what happens in Malindi and Watamu, where we can't call the phenomenon of "sex tourism" prostitution, but perhaps we can't call it "tourism" either, but rather "sexual residency," or even "student resilience."
In short, if our parody makes fun, with a surreal story but not too much, those who to feel still young and easy to find a partner, take miraculous but deleterious pills for the heart, after the pandemic is re-exploding the myth of mukombero, the type of ginger from northern Kenya that according to local tradition but also many doctors, would have incredible aphrodisiac properties for him.
Until a few years ago mukombero was sold for a few shillings (euro cents) a "dose" and promised performances worthy of an equatorial Rocco Siffredi.
Behind the usual possible bio hoax, we must point out the satisfaction of rhinos, whose horn for years has been defined as an aphrodisiac and is still sought by some idiot poacher-killer in the pay of Chinese companies. Ginger doesn't kill anyone, it's even pleasant in tea, the wife can grate it in the food without the husband having to be ashamed of his sadness in bed and the fiery lover can hoard it (chewing it completely produces the best effects) and appear before the partner humming "woman woman, you know who's here, Mukombero is here! So on the advertising brochures promoting Kenya, next to the ever-present lion in the foreground, in three-quarter view, with his blond mop in the wind, the jumping maasai with red sheets and covered in beads, the 115-year-old fisherman with a white beard who adjusts his sail made from polenta sacks, we can add the retired mzungu who chews mukombero hand in hand with a twenty year old procuress on the beach in Malindi and, instead of admiring his prey, happy and smiling, looks down proudly to see how his Italian weeping willow is being transformed into a glorious tropical palm tree. 
If anything, what is surprising is the fact that the first to go crazy over the natural exciting were the Kenyans themselves, whose problems we were unaware of. With all the ancestral ones they already have, the stress of a fast civilization has obviously added this one too. Moreover, with their "exceptional loads", the softness is even more embarrassing.
The news of a few days ago is that the French have made a pile of production in the area of the mountains of Meru and have secured the rights to make a real natural "viagra" to be sold in herbalist shops. Still ahead of Paris, after the sexual revolution in the sixties and "Je t'aime moi non plus" we have moved on to the stress of "Je non me tire plus".
After the transalpine raids, the price in the markets has already skyrocketed, and the old men of Malindi have no choice but to risk a heart attack...
We are always waiting for the researchers of Pfizer (manufacturer of the little blue pill), once filed the billion-dollar earnings of vaccines, to come out with the side effects of the ginger of pleasure. Otherwise, with the goodwill of the multinationals, we will all give ourselves to cultivation ... imagining a new type of tourism of which the slogan is already ready: "Kenya pulls ... how very much it pulls!"


TAGS: viagra kenyamukomberoanziani kenyapensionati kenya

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