07-02-2020 by Freddie del Curatolo
The Malindi Green And Blue Movement and the responsible citizens of Malindi will be on the streets again, on the second Saturday of the month, to demonstrate how easy it would be to collaborate with the various institutions, not only the governmental ones, to keep the town clean and explain to those who do not, that it would be right to participate.
The Clean Up initiative, now in its eleventh consecutive edition, is not only an exercise in cleaning up the streets and neighborhoods of Malindi, but above all a way to unite people, institutions and apparatus in order to connect them and make them work together, with the awareness of feeling part of a project that means common good.
For this reason, every month the cleaning of the city has a fixed theme and in the past has concerned the sectors of Health, Justice, Security, Tourism, Transport, the interreligious and Social sphere as well as the various environmental branches. On Saturday 8th February the theme is the respect of health regulations by local activities, especially kiosks, bars and restaurants in Malindi, which are hardly in compliance with the basic rules of a place that offers service to the public. In this context, in addition to the Hygiene Office, there is also Mawasco, a municipal company that supplies (and should continuously supply) water to Malindi.
Appointment, as always, at 8.30 am. This time we start from the Roundabout and proceed to the Hospital along Casuarina Road, involving all the activities along the road, from the so-called Jua Kali to bars and retailers.
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